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Moving People
Only Administrators are able to move people on a map. This can only be achieved by removing a person, as described in the article Removing People and then adding them again, as described in the article Assigning People to an Asset.
Removing People
Only Administrators are able to remove people from a map. This can be done by either deleting the person from the asset to which they have been assigned from a map or by removing the person from the asset's allocation. Browse through the Location ...
Step 2: Configuring People
People details should be configured before adding or importing users into OfficeMaps. People in an organisation can be configured to have a set of default work days which is accessible by using the menu option Preferences -> People. Every user has ...
Sync People from AD
Please ensure the steps required have been done prior to attempting to run Ad Sync. For Azure Ad/ Office 365, Setup the Integration Provider . (including setting How are new people added). For AD (on premise) - Open the main menu and choose ...
Importing, Updating and Exporting People
Exporting People A spreadsheet containing all OfficeMaps data for every user in the system is available by using the Export To Excel function. This function is available by selecting the People option from the menu and then selecting the Export ...