On-Click HTTP Actions

On-Click HTTP Actions

People's profiles can contain various forms of contact information including an email address and telephone number.




Administrators can add HTTP actions which will be processed by OfficeMaps when these details are clicked on within the program.



Protocol handlers inform the browser that OfficeMaps is capable of handling links and URLs with certain applications. Protocol handlers that are entered for each of the following contact details will be invoked when the corresponding link in the user's profile is selected. While there are often defaults as described below, administrators can customise these values depending on other installed applications.


Direct Telephone: The "tel:" protocol handler allows users to make calls by clicking on the user's phone number.

Extension: The "call:" protocol handler allows users to make calls by clicking on the user's extension.

Mobile/Cell Number: The "tel:" protocol handler allows users to make calls by clicking on the user's mobile or cell number.

Email Address: Users will be able to send emails using the user's default email program through the use of the mailto: protocol handler.

Skype Name: Clicking on a Skype name will call that contact when the skype: protocol handler has been used.

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