Step 1: Setting up the Location Tree

Step 1: Setting up the Location Tree

The first thing to configure is the Location Tree. It is important to determine how many office maps will be required and where they will be situated. The Location Tree consists of five tiers of information: Country, Region, City, Site and Levels. You can add, delete, rename, hide or alter the settings for any of these tiers by right clicking on their node in the Location Tree. If some of these nodes are not visible then you may need to ensure that they are set to visible as described later in this article.

As an example, for a simple single floor office of a business in the Brisbane CBD you will need to set up Locations for Australia (Country), Queensland (Region), Brisbane (City), 300 Queen Street (Site) and Level 18 (Level).

To add a new tier to the hierarchy, right click on the level where a new tier should be added below and click on the 'Add new xxxxx' where xxxxx is either Country, Region, City, Site or Level depending on where you are in the tree.

Part of setting up locations in the Location Tree is assigning latitude and longitude coordinates for locations on every tier. This helps users who are using the visual map to navigate between locations. We recommend using Bing Maps rather than Google Maps for accuracy. You can right click an area on the map to see longitude and latitude details and then copy these values into OfficeMaps.

To add latitude, longitude and address details, right click on the tree node and select 'Settings'. An appropriate level of map zoom should also be selected.

Time zones should also be set for each Region-tier location. This will allow a user to hover over the location to get the local time

To set the time zone, right click on the region, click on 'Settings' and set the time zone.

It may be the case that all of a business’ office maps are located in the same Country, Region or City. You can choose to hide different tiers of the Location Tree through the menu option Preferences -> Location Tree without needing to configure the visibility of individual locations in the Location Tree itself.

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