Learn OfficeMaps
Can't Log In to OfficeMaps?
Can't Log in with Microsoft or Google Authentication If you can't log in to OfficeMaps using Microsoft or Google authentication methods, please talk with one of your OfficeMaps Administrators to confirm that you have been added to your organisation's ...
How To: Make a reservation on behalf of another user
Only Administrator and Instance Administrators can make a reservation on behalf of another user. To make a reservation on behalf of another user: Click on the 'Reserve' button on the top menu bar; Change the name displayed to the user's name that you ...
Where can I download the OfficeMaps mobile app?
OfficeMaps version 3 and above requires users to download a new version of the OfficeMaps app. The new OfficeMaps app is named "OfficeMaps Mobile" and utilizes the new security features that come with OfficeMaps version 3. OfficeMaps maintains mobile ...
Downloading the new OfficeMaps Mobile App
To support the new Authentication mechanism there is a new iOS and Android app. If users already have an installed version prior to this one, they should uninstall and then download the new mobile app from their app store rather than upgrade their ...
How to: Log in with Google
How to: Log in with Google Administrators may now choose to allow users to log in using Google as an authentication provider. Where enabled, a user can use their work or personal Google account to login to OfficeMaps as long as their email address in ...
How to: Log in with Microsoft
How to: Log in with Microsoft Administrators can allow users to log in using Microsoft as an authentication provider. Where enabled, a user can use their Office 365 account to login to OfficeMaps as long as their email address in OfficeMaps matches ...
How to: Log in with One-Time Password
How to: Log in with One-Time Password OfficeMaps uses a One Time Password (OTP) method to log in for all new users or for users that do not use Microsoft or Google to authenticate. When using this method, filling in your email address and clicking ...
How to: Integrate a Teams Account to OfficeMaps (Admins Only)
Integrate a Teams Account to OfficeMaps To integrate a Teams Account to OfficeMaps you must first configure Azure AD. To do that you can follow the step by step guide in this article: ...
How to: Setting up your Status
There are 2 methods to setting up your Status: Users are able to set a status which allows other users of the system to identify whether or not they are available and other information related to their work day. First method: Click on your profile ...
[Mobile] How to: Create and manage desk reservations in the Mobile Client
Creating a reservation in the mobile client From the main menu, tap on 'Reserve'. Create a reservation Tap on 'Click to select a date'. Select the date for your reservation from the calendar by tapping it. Tap 'Select'. Tap on 'Click to select a site ...
How to: Create and manage desk reservations
Requires OfficeMaps Professional For information on how to enable reservations and to configure reservations options, please see this article: https://help.officemaps.com/portal/en/kb/articles/reservations Many users require the ability to reserve a ...
How to: Check in and check out of a hotdesk
Requires OfficeMaps Professional In a hotdesk environment, a user needs to be able to find a desk, check in to the desk, and at the end of the day, check out of the desk. There are 4 ways for a user to check in and out of a desk. Web browser on a PC, ...
How to: Search for people, rooms, desks and things in the office
When you absolutely, positively have to find it... One of the fundamental features of OfficeMaps is the ability to easily find colleagues, desks, meeting rooms and 'stuff' in the office, easily. OfficeMaps has a simple but powerful global search ...
How to: Workday planning and sharing
Let your team know your workday plan Finding people when they are in the office is easy in OfficeMaps, but how do you discover their plans for tomorrow, or next week? Where can I find them now and what is on their schedule for the day? OfficeMaps has ...
Introduction - A quick tour of OfficeMaps
Let's take a look around OfficeMaps and discover where to find people and things, easily. OfficeMaps has been created to make it super easy for everyday users to find colleagues, desks, offices, meeting rooms and lots of other 'stuff' quickly. We'll ...
How to Print Desk Number Labels (Admins Only)
Purpose In flexible working environments it is often useful for employees to be able to easily identify the specific desk or work point where they are located. Since OfficeMaps allows every desk to have a unique code, the steps below allow labels or ...
Setting a Launch Location
Users are able to specify a page which becomes their default initial view of OfficeMaps. Click on a location in the Location Tree, then from the top menu, select the option Set As Launch Location to make the currently selected location the first page ...