Deleting a Pin Type
It is not possible to delete a Pin Type if a pin with this type has been assigned to a site level map. These pins must first be removed before the Pin Type can be removed. To remove a Pin Type from OfficeMaps locate the Pin Type to remove, click the ...
How to: Create a new Pin Type
To create a new Pin Type: Click on the arrow on the left top corner (on top of your username). Click on the 'Preferences' button. Click on the 'Pins' button on the left side bar. Click on the 'Add Pin Type' blue button. Adding a new Pin Type A Pop ...
About Pins
Pins are entities that can be placed on a level map. They differ from assets in that people cannot be assigned to them. Pin Type Preferences control the descriptions of these Pins and how they appear on maps. Default Pin Types that already exist in ...