Step 7: Adding People to the Map
In addition to assets and pins, Administrators and Instance Administrators can add people and then assign people to desks. To do this, select a level map in the Location Tree to view a map and click on the pencil icon on the toolbar which allows you to enter edit mode.
To add a person to an asset on a map, click the person icon below the pencil icon and select from the people who exist in OfficeMaps. Drag the desired person to the asset where they will be located to allocate them to that asset. You can enter some part of the user's name to filter to people who match those characters.
Clicking on the person icon next to the Search People box will show everyone in OfficeMaps who can be added. This list can be restricted by checking the option People not allocated to a desk.
If an asset type has been specified as a default as described in the article
Adding a new Asset Type, you can select a person from this list and drag it to a desired spot on the map. The user will appear on the map assigned to a new asset of that default asset type. If no default asset type exists, attempting to drag a user to the map in this way will not be possible.
When you drop the person on the map, details for that person will open in the People Panel on the left, allowing you to change details of the person as well as any additional custom fields that you configured.
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